söndag 7 februari 2010

Epic Fail by Frog

fredag 5 februari 2010

For you Swedish readers

Take a visit to http://lunarblogg.blogspot.com/. It's a backup of old blog posts and also my new blog in Swedish. Please check it out!

And yes, I will continue posting on this blog also :)

onsdag 3 februari 2010

Tomas Brolin - Epic Fail


”Det var mitt mål”

Ex-footballer Tomas Brolin, once a celebrated talented soccer player with a bright future; nowadays a meatball-shaped nothing.

What this article's about is a goal made in 1991. Teammate Roland Nilsson made his first goal in the Swedish national team with no one complaining, though he later made another goal for the Swedish team and now 19 years after the first goal Brolin claims it was his goal. Man, this is awkward. He wants to "change history" as the reporter says...

The only problem is.... who gives a damn?

tisdag 26 januari 2010

Gin & Tonic

Simple and refreshing drink. Yet very delicious. Well recommended.

Myself I use Beefeater Gin & Schweppes Indian Tonic but it's all about taste.

From Wikipedia.org:

Primary alcohol by volume
On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish
Lime or lemon
Standard drinkware
Highball Glass (Tumbler).svg
Highball glass
Commonly used ingredients
Gin and tonic water, to taste
In a glass filled with ice, add gin and fill with tonic. Add a lime wedge.

söndag 24 januari 2010

Great night

I had a greaat tiime tonight. 
Now time for sleeeep...


" And eternity my friend, is a long fucking time "

lördag 23 januari 2010

Great Hanshin Earthquake

15 years since the Great Hanshin earthquake (Kobe Earthquake).

Sherlock Holmes

Today Rebecca and I watched Sherlock Holmes at the cinema.

It was a surprisingly good movie! Well recommended. Splendid acting by Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law.

Earlier today I went to the school, and then went to meet Tommy at the Krämaren mall. We ate some food at Subway and then went to the library to finish our studies for today.

Overall a good day, I must say.

I'm now relaxing by the computer with a Rusty Nail.  Cheers!